3 Best Exercises For a Home Workout

3 Best Exercises For a Home Workout

3 Best Exercises For a Home Workout  

While being stuck at home may not be working in favor of your fitness goals, there is absolutely no reason for you to not continue working towards them. No, you do not have to go to a gym in order to get rid of the few extra pounds to stay in shape. There are many workouts that you can do in the comfort of your own home, and these home workouts work just as effectively.

Before getting started, make sure you pick a good time
to workout, stay hydrated, and maintain a well-balanced diet to help your health and fitness goals. Let us delve deeper to see the top home workout picks.
  1. Push-ups

While these are a staple in every workout, push-ups may not be the easiest. They aregreat for your arms, chest, and shoulder, and do not require any equipment.

  • Has. Start by kneeling on the floor, or an exercise mat, with your feet together andbehind you.
  • B. Lay your palms flat on the mat, and hands apart at shoulder width. Brace your abdomen, and align the head with the spine. Make sure your knees are not bent,and your body is well extended.
  • C. Make sure to maintain an extended yet rigid body as you lower yourself to theground, till your chest almost touches the floor. Make sure your head and spineare aligned. Flare your elbows outwards during this.
  • D. Follow the previous step by pushing yourself up from the ground, maintaining thesame posture.

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2. Planks

'These great ab exercises are quite easy to follow. All it requires is for you to get on the knees and elbows aligned to the floor. Place them a shoulder-length apart like you would for a push-up. Make sure your feet are extended behind you and ift your body upwards.

Ensure that the posture of your body is straight while you take 3 to 5 breaths. You can consider one rep done when you drop your knees to the floor after this.

3. Overhead Press

  • These can be performed with resistance bands, and are a wonderful way to build up strength and muscles for the complete body. While they can be done in both seating and standing positions, the latter offers more advantages and better strength building.
  •  Stand with both feet on either side of the resistance band, and handle in either hand.
  •  Raise your hands and rotate your shoulders so that the elbows aim at the ground, and your palms are facing out front. Hold this position.
  • Align your hands roughly with your nose and push hands above the head.
  • Return to the initial position.

These are some simple exercises you can follow to have a good workout session at home. Make sure you are consistent in your home workouts and stay safe.

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